How To Pick The Perfect New Home

Once you have made the decision to purchase a home, you have saved up your down payment and found a real estate agent, then you start your search. This is actually the fun part but it can present some sort of challenges. You may have several options to choose from such as a more urban or suburban location to style of home be it a single family or condo. To help widdle down your focus, here are some helpful tips!

Start a discussion

While you might have a good idea about what you want in a new home, make sure to have a full conversation with your agent about your needs and goals. Only they will be able to guide you through what to look for and what is realistic in your area of choice. 

Relax about timing
Unless there is something like a job relocation with a hard deadline, try not to be so strict on your timing. You never know what is going to come on the market for sale and when, nevermind if any of the homes are right or not for you. If the first home you see is perfect, you should make a move but otherwise let things fall into place organically.

Look past decor

For the majority of homes this should not be an issue hopefully. However, don’t turn your nose up at a home if it is not decorated, set up or painted the way that you may like. Keep in mind that the current owners are going to take their belongings with them and cosmetic things you can change. For any rooms that are painted colors that you may not like, that is certainly an easy fix. 

Take photos

The odds are that you will see many homes as you search for the perfect one. It could be that you will even see quite a few in one day too if you are lucky. Take the stress of remembering all the details away by taking some pictures as you go. Take it one step further and jot down some notes on your mobile device of details that you really liked or disliked. This will help you make more serious decisions easier later.

Focus on energy

Other than making sure the home has everything concrete that you absolutely need, sometimes you can just get a gut feeling of if it is right or not. It may be due to the layout, or natural light, or even the views. Pay close attention to how you literally feel as you walk through the home. If you feel comfortable and happy like you are “at home” then that can be a great sign that it is the right place for you.


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